General rules of Palanga summer park
- All visitors to Palanga Summer Park must read, understand and follow the rules of conduct. These rules apply to all visitors, regardless of their age.
- Be polite and follow the rules of good conduct when communicating with park staff or other visitors.
- Parents / guardians caring for children go to the facilities at no extra charge.
- Each person who purchases a ticket confirms that they have read, understood and undertake to comply with the rules of the park.
- We do not accept any refund of the ticket.
- All adult visitors must sign the registration log at the cash desk of Palanga Summer Park.
- By signing the logbook, all adult visitors or parents / guardians of underage visitors confirm that their child is healthy to use the park services and that they will compensate for any damage to the park equipment or third parties. In accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania and are fully responsible for their child’s behavior in the park or any other health issues or any damage caused to other visitors.
- Minor visitors shall be allowed to use these premises only with the written consent of their parents or guardians.
- All visitors are allowed to use these tools only after purchasing a ticket and wearing a ticket bracelet provided at the box office.
- If the bracelet is lost, torn or damaged, the park employees will have the right not to allow the use of the park equipment.
- Borrowing, donating or otherwise giving a bracelet to other persons is strictly prohibited.
- Parents / guardians are fully responsible for their child’s behavior, safety and care.
- Palanga Summer Park employees are not responsible for unsupervised children.
- The employees of Palanga Summer Park are also not responsible for any traffic accidents for visitors, except for the cases when they occurred due to equipment failure.
- Before using the equipment, all visitors to the park must make sure that the equipment they intend to use has not been damaged and is suitable for use. The Park will not accept claims for improper services or equipment after using these services.
- Visitors are not allowed to smoke, carry glass, fragile or sharp objects, food (including chewing gum) or drinks when using or near the park equipment.
- Pets are not allowed in the house. It is forbidden to walk dog in the park without a dog guide or muzzle.
- Visitors who are exposed to alcohol or other drugs will not be allowed to use the PARK ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY.
- If you are injured or notice an injured person, notify park staff immediately.
- Be sure to evaluate the health and physical condition of your foster minor before using the park’s recreational facilities.
- Be careful to remember yourself, park equipment, and other visitors.
- When using park equipment, follow the instructions of the staff and follow the rules of conduct applicable to the various areas of the park.
- It is strictly forbidden to litter, make noise, push or otherwise disturb other visitors to the park, as well as to walk the trail, collect herbs or flowers, be in the park without clothes or otherwise violate public order.
- We recommend leaving your valuables in the locker at the ticket office. The park is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- Park equipment must remain where it was before use. It is strictly forbidden to take park equipment out of the park or to push equipment, arrow signs, stands or other signs.
- After using the equipment provided by the park staff, you must return it to the place of issue.
- Damage or non-return of park equipment shall result in a fine of at least EUR 50, taking into account the possible costs of repairing the damage.
- If any of the visitors does not follow the rules or their behavior poses a threat to other visitors and the park equipment, the employees of Palanga Summer Park have the right to ask such visitors to leave. In this case, the money for the ticket will not be refunded.
- The park administration has the right to close a certain object for inspection at any time. In this case, the ticket price will not be recalculated and the money for the ticket will not be refunded.
- Palanga Summer Park is monitored by video cameras in order to ensure the quality and safety of services. The privacy policy is publicly available on the website
- At the end of the park’s opening hours, please leave the park.
- PALANGA SUMMER PARK has the right to change the working hours of the park, the prices of services and the conditions of their use.
- Recreation areas are intended for park visitors who have purchased park services.
- Before jumping on any of the trampolines, all visitors must have read, understood and keep to the trampoline park rules.
- Please be polite and keep to the rules of good conduct when interacting with park staff or other visitors.
- Children from the age of 4 are admitted to the trampoline, and their caring parents / guardians must follow all the rules of the park and equipment.
- All adult visitors must sign the liability consent at the ticket office. All underaged visitors must have their parents’ or carers’ written permission.
- The staff of the trampoline park is not liable for unattended children. The staff of the park is also not liable for any accidents, unless they were caused by a trampoline equipment failure.
- Before you jump on a trampoline:
- Take off your shoes;
- Don’t bring any food (including chewing gum), drinks and don’t smoke;
- Don’t bring any sharp, etc. objects (keys, pendants, watches, jewellery, other sharp clothing details), because they might damage the trampoline, injure other visitors or get lost in the sponge pool;
We highly recommend taking off your glasses as well; No pets are allowed on the trampolines.
- Please do not use the trampolines if you have any health issues.
- Should you get injured or notice an injured person, immediately inform the park staff.
- Any SALTOs are considered dangerous and forbidden. Attempting these moves without any special preparation, you put yourself in a high risk of injury. Be mindful of your abilities, because YOU ALONE are responsible for your actions!
- One trampoline is fit for one person. Before you jump on another trampoline, look around to avoid any collisions with other visitors.
- Jump up using both of your legs and land on both of your legs as well.
- Jump in the middle of the trampoline, otherwise, you may land on a trampoline edge, which is hard and may result in a leg, back or arm injury.
- Don’t climb or hang on trampoline park walls.
- Jumping into the sponge pool, try to land on your legs, back or stomach.
- Don’t throw sponges out of the pool.
- It is forbidden to run, push or otherwise interfere with other people in trampolines.
- Should you want to take some rest, get off the trampoline and don’t disturb other visitors.
- We recommend leaving your valuable items in a storage locker at the ticket office. The park is not responsible for any lost or stolen things.
- Should any of the visitors fail to keep to the rules or should their behaviour pose a threat to other visitors and the park’s equipment, the staff of the park has a right to ask such visitors to leave.
- Before you attempt any moves that require higher skill, learn the basic jumps and positions.
- Should you want to stop jumping, bend your knees as you land on the trampoline.
- Avoid jumps that are too high or too long. Always stay in control — you have to rise and land on the same spot.
- Jump in the middle of the trampoline. Look at the mattress, otherwise you might lose your balance.
- Always have someone watching you.
Getting on and off the trampoline
- Climb, don’t jump off the trampoline!
- Don’t use the trampoline to jump onto other things.
- Before entering the jungle gym room, parents/carers must be introduced to the jungle gym rules and sign in the registration log at the ticket office of Palanga Summer Park. By signing in the registration log, parents/carers confirm that their child is healthy to stay and play at the jungle gym, that they will remunerate any damages done to the jungle gym or the third parties according to the procedures of the law of the Republic of Lithuania and that they are fully responsible for their child’s behaviour
at the jungle gym or any other health issues, or any damage caused to other children’s health.
- Please be polite and keep to the rules of good conduct when interacting with park staff or other visitors.
- The jungle gym is open for children of up to 8 years old.
- The slide can be used by one child at a time.
- Adults accompanying their child(ren) must make sure that their child(ren) understand how to behave and use the equipment and toys at the jungle gym.
- Before you enter the jungle gym:
- Take off your shoes;
- Don’t bring any food (including chewing gum) or drinks;
- Don’t bring any sharp, etc. objects (keys, pendants, watches, jewellery, other sharp clothing details), because they might injure other visitors or get lost in the ball pool;
- No pets are allowed in the jungle gym.
- The parents/carers are fully responsible for the behaviour, safety and looking after their child. The staff of the park is not liable for any accidents, unless they were caused by an equipment failure.
- Should you get injured or notice an injured person, immediately inform the park
- Pushing around or disturbing other people is strictly forbidden.
- The jungle gym is open only to completely healthy children. In case of any obvious doubts regarding the health of a child, the child will not be allowed to use the jungle gym.
- The staff of the jungle gym may refuse to allow a child, who misbehaves or attempts to damage the equipment of the jungle gym, as well as harm other children, enter into the jungle gym.
- Parents/carers should communicate to their child(ren) that all balls should remain in the ball pool.
13 The staff is not held responsible for any things forgotten, lost or damaged in the jungle gym by the visitors or children in their care.
- Smoking or alcohol consumption in the jungle gym or its surroundings is strictly forbidden.
Using the slide
- Before starting to slide, make sure that other children using the slide have already gone down in order to avoid collision.
- Don’t climb the slide upwards, otherwise you risk of getting injured and prevent other visitors from safely sliding down.
- Move away from the slide as soon as you get down, in order to prevent collision with other children using the slide.
Getting on and off
- Climb, don’t jump off the equipment!
- Before you climb, make sure that you will be able to finish, that you will not be interrupted by and that you will not interrupt other visitors of the jungle gym.
- Don’t climb or hang on the jungle gym walls.
- Before starting, all visitors must have read, understood and keep to the rules of conduct.
- Please be polite and keep to the rules of good conduct when interacting with park staff or other visitors.
- All visitors younger than 8 years must be supervised by their parents or carers.
- All adult visitors must sign the liability consent at the ticket office. All underaged visitors must have their parents’ or carers’ written permission.
- The staff of the obstacle path is not liable for unattended children. The staff of the park is also not liable for any accidents, unless they were caused by an obstacle path equipment failure.
- Before you start:
- Take off your shoes;
- Don’t bring any food (including chewing gum), drinks and don’t smoke;
- Don’t bring any sharp, etc. objects (keys, pendants, watches, jewellery, other sharp clothing details), because they might injure other visitors or get lost in the sponge pool;
- Don’t attempt overcoming any obstacles carrying, e.g. your phone or a video camera;
- We highly recommend taking off your glasses as well;
- No pets are allowed in the obstacle path.
- Please do not use the obstacle path if you have any health issues.
- One obstacle is fit for one person. Before you start, look around to avoid any collisions with other visitors.
- Jumping into the sponge pool, try to land on your legs, back or stomach.
- Don’t throw sponges out of the pool.
- Pushing around or disturbing other people is strictly forbidden.
- Should you want to take some rest in a resting place, don’t disturb other visitors. It is strictly forbidden to lay or sit in the resting places.
- Should you get injured or notice an injured person, immediately inform the park’s staff.
- We recommend leaving your valuable items in a storage locker at the ticket office. The park is not responsible for any lost or stolen things.
- Should any of the visitors fail to keep to the rules or should their behaviour pose a threat to other visitors and the park’s equipment, the staff of the park has a right to ask such visitors to leave.
Overcoming obstacles
- Before you attempt to overcome obstacles that require greater skill, assess the best ways to do it.
- Assess your abilities and skills and do your best to overcome it as fast as possible.
- Avoid any movements that are too wide and always be in control of your body — overcome obstacles without straining and using too much energy.
- Have someone watching over you at your attempts.
Getting on and off
- Climb, don’t jump off the equipment!
- Don’t use the obstacles as means for swinging or performing any other strenuous exercise.
- Always keep to the staff’s instructions on how to behave or the best ways to overcome the obstacles.
- Before entering the mini golf field, players must be introduced to the rules of conduct and sign in the registration log at the ticket office of Palanga Summer Park.
- Please be polite and keep to the rules of good conduct when interacting with park staff or other visitors.
- While playing mini golf, don’t use force, swing your golf club or otherwise pose risk to other visitors or equipment (figures, courses, artificial grass, etc.).
- It is forbidden to make noise or otherwise disturb other players. Before you hit theball, make sure that there are no people that could be hurt.
- Players are not allowed to step on the courses or figures; you must hit the ball, standing near or over the course. Players hitting the ball stand on the aluminium hitting mat. Players can stand on the hitting mat only while hitting the ball.
- Players must keep to consistency, starting with the first course and proceeding onwards; players cannot change the sequence of the courses and run around the entire court.
- Standing near a player hitting the ball may be dangerous. Players can remove their balls from cups only after making sure that other players are not aiming at the same cup.
- Adults supervising a child or children must make sure that they know how to play it.
- While playing mini golf:
Don’t bring any food (including chewing gum) or drinks;
No pets are allowed in the court.
- The parents/carers are fully responsible for the behaviour, safety and looking after their child. The staff of the park are not liable for any accidents, unless they were caused by an equipment failure.
- Should you get injured or notice an injured person, immediately inform the park
- Pushing around or disturbing other people is strictly forbidden.
- After you finish, please return the equipment back to the ticket office.
- The staff is not held responsible for any things forgotten, lost or damaged in the mini golf court by the visitors or children in their care.
- Smoking or alcohol consumption in the golf court or its surroundings is strictly forbidden.
Mini Golf
- The purpose of mini golf is to put the ball into the cup using a special club and by making as little hits as possible.
- One hit means one point. The player, who collects the least points is the winner. The points are calculated at the end of the game.
- After making a hit the ball must freely roll towards the cup. Don’t push the ball. Don’t hit the ball too hard, so that it wouldn’t fly out of the course. You may hit the ball only after it has completely stopped.
- Should the ball stop near the hedge, you may pull it away from the hedge 10 cm (or the length of the head of the club) and hit again.
- A player that has hit the ball out of the course must take it back to the beginning of the course and continue counting the points. E.g. a player has made 2 hits and then has hit the ball out of the course with the third. After getting back to the beginning of the course, it took him 4 hits to get the ball into the cup. Thus, in total the player has made 7 hits.
- Anyone can play mini golf, regardless of their age and gender. This game requires precision, concentration and calculated hits, rather than force.
- Parents / guardians must be familiar with the rules of the carousel before using the carousel.
- In the carousel, all visitors are asked to behave politely and follow recognized rules of good conduct with park staff and others.
- The carousel is open to all and children under the age of 8 with the care of guardians / parents.
- Noise or other disturbance to other persons using the carousel is prohibited.
- It is forbidden to push or otherwise interfere with other persons in the carousel.
- The following is prohibited when using a carousel:
- Run on the carousel platform.
- Climb on the carousel barriers.
- Break or otherwise damage the carousel inventory.
- Climb / get off on the rotating carousel.
- Stand next to the rotating carousel (behind the protective fences).
- If you feel unwell in the carousel, please contact a carousel worker to stop the carousel.
- Pets are not allowed in the carousel.
- An adult who accompanies a child (ren) must make sure that the child (ren) understands how to handle the carousel properly.
- Parents / guardians with the child are responsible for the behavior, safety and care of the children in the carousel. Park staff are not responsible for accidents unless it is related to a carousel failure.
- If a person is injured or spotted, a park employee must be notified.
- Park employees have the right to ask to leave the carousel those visitors who do not follow the rules of the park, their behavior and actions pose a threat to those around them and damage the park inventory.
- Before using the car, parents / guardians must familiarize themselves with the rules for using the typewriter.
- When using the car route, we ask all visitors to be polite and follow the recognized rules of good conduct with park staff and other customers.
- It is forbidden to make noise or otherwise disturb other persons using the machines.
- The car route can only be driven in one direction (counterclockwise).
- The following is prohibited when using car:
- Hit other machines and the track safety fence.
- Walk along the car track while the cars are driving on it.
- Ride a car for two people, unless one of the guardians / parents helps the child to ride the car.
- Climb on the riding machines.
- The machines can be used by persons under 16 years of age and children under 8 years of age with the care of guardians / parents
- Before starting to drive the machine, the employee can reduce / increase the speed of the machine according to the customer’s needs.
- We recommend that you do not carry mobile phones, watches and other valuables with you on the car track. The park is not responsible for the loss, damage or theft of visitors’ belongings.
- If you feel unwell while driving, please inform the park staff.
- When accompanying an adult, the child (ren) must make sure that the child (ren) understands how to handle the machine properly.
- Parents / guardians with a child are responsible for the behavior, safety and care of children in car. Park employees are not responsible for accidents, except when it is related to the breakdown of cars.If a person is injured or spotted, a park employee must be notified.
- Park employees have the right to ask to leave cars for those visitors who do not follow the rules of the park, their behavior and actions endanger those around them and damage the park inventory.
- After purchasing the token, the machine is selected, the employee is informed about the selected machine speed (minimum, average, maximum).
- Once you have entered the car, the entertainment time starts from the time the token is placed. At the end of the time, the machine stops itself.
- Car control:
- The accelerator pedal on the right is depressed to start driving.
- To stop the accelerator pedal, the machine stops.
- The steering wheel of the machine is designed to control the machine.
- If the car hits an obstacle, the worker or the person accompanying the child must help to pull the car back so that the entertaining child can continue on the track.
- At the end of the entertainment time, look around to see if it is safe and get out of the car. An employee builds a car in a designated area.
- Persons wishing to entertain must sign the registration journal and familiarize themselves with and follow the rules of the park and cableway.
- The tracks can be used only by persons of good physical shape, whose height is more than 1.40 m.
- Use of the tracks is prohibited if a person has health disorders or physical or mental characteristics that may interfere with the safe use of the tracks and endanger the safety of other persons or property.
- Individuals must ensure that their clothing is suitable for performing a variety of activities that require physical strength and endurance, overcoming obstacles installed in the open air.
- Clients can go to the park tracks only after listening to the instructions and obtaining the instructor’s permission, and while entertaining in the park, all persons must listen to the instructors’ instructions and requirements.
- Persons entertaining in the park have no right to interfere with the work of the park staff or other visitors to the park.
- Individuals may not, by being on the ground or at the top, endanger the life or health of themselves or other visitors to the park.
- Safety requirements when visiting the tracks of the amusement park:
- All individuals should start from the starting point where park instructors train everyone to use safety equipment and accessories. On other trails, individuals entertain themselves unsupervised by park staff and following instructions they were introduced to during the briefing.
- The installed safety equipment must not be removed or exchanged with others, and it is not possible to go to the tracks without the instructor checking that the equipment is installed properly.
- When staying on the track, it is essential to follow the safety requirements, you must always make sure that you are attached to the safety rope.
- Before starting each element of the route, make sure that the carbine is securely fastened to the safety rope.
- There can be only one person at a time on one section of the route. It is forbidden to go into an obstacle until it has been overcome by the person ahead. There can be no more than three people on the tree next to the tree.
- The rope can only be lowered at the moment when the person who has previously landed has left the landing area.
- The ropes are designed to mark the landings in yellow. Then you have to use a carbine with wheels. Start the descent by holding the ropes securely. Do not hold on to the rope or touch it during landing.
- With your rope down, reach for the platform until you can stop and unhook the caster.
- In case you run out of strength and see that you really can’t complete the track, call an instructor to help you reach the ground safely.
- The following is prohibited on the cableway:
- Go to the tracks without seat belts, carbines and without listening to instructions or using your own guards.
- Use the tracks for persons under the influence of alcohol or other psychotropic substances.
- Go to the tracks if a person has such health disorders that would interfere with or endanger the health, life or property of himself or others.
- Damage the tracks and their equipment, damage the safety equipment of yourself or other entertainers.
- Move the ropes or otherwise interfere with other participants on the track, damage the property and inventory of the park and other entertainers.
- It is forbidden to push, insult or otherwise interfere with other persons using the entertainment.
- It is forbidden to carry or eat food with you, chewing gum.
- Litter, pollute or otherwise damage the track and park area.
- Only safety equipment issued by the park staff may be used on the tracks and only in accordance with the procedure specified in these rules. Safety equipment consists of:
- Adjustable strap (‘system’) with one rope to which the safety carbine is attached.
- The second rope to which the caster is attached is a carbine.
- The castor is for a landing rope.
- Clients must inform the employees of the amusement park and record in writing all events that have caused or may cause damage to the health, life, property of the guest or other persons, as well as about all accidents that have occurred on the tracks or in the park area.
- Individuals must take care of suitable clothing that does not impede free movement and suitable footwear (sportswear and sneakers are best, slippers or heels with heels are not allowed on the tracks, we recommend tying long hair in a tail).
- Mobile phones, wallets and other items that can easily fall out must be stored safely so as not to injure or endanger the health of yourself or others by entertaining on the tracks.
- Park staff is not responsible for items left in the park.
- If you have any doubts or questions, please always contact the park staff.
- In case you run out of strength and see that you really can’t complete the track, call an instructor to help you reach the ground safely.
- If you have any doubts or questions, please always contact the park staff
- Park staff is not responsible for items left in the park.
- Each guest and his / her accompanying person must read these rules and their rules before having fun in the park.
- Failure to comply with the specified rules may result in the park visitor being removed from the park area
- Park employees have the right to decide for themselves whether the client’s physical condition allows him to use the cableway.
- Assess your fear factors, not taking risks and don’t entertainif you are unsure or dare.
- Take your time, assess situations properly.
- In case of problems, do not panic, but it is better to invite an instructor.
- Parents / guardians must read the Lego Room rules before using the service.
- In the Lego Room, all visitors are asked to treat other park visitors and park staff politely, as well as to adhere to recognized rules of good conduct.
- Everyone who has purchased a ticket can play in the Lego Room, but children under the age of 4 can only play with the care of guardians / parents.
- It is forbidden to make noise, push or otherwise disturb other persons playing in the Lego Room.
- When playing in the Lego Room, it is forbidden to take the equipment intended for this entertainment – blocks, assembly instructions, furniture and other objects there.
- Pets are not allowed in the Lego Room.
- Adults who accompany the child (ren) must make sure that the child (ren) understands how to behave properly in the Lego Room.
- Parents / guardians with a child are responsible for the behavior, safety and care of children in the Lego Room. Park staff are not responsible for accidents.
- If a person is injured or spotted, a park employee must be notified.
- Park employees have the right to ask to leave the “Lego room” those visitors who do not follow the rules of the park, their behavior and actions pose a threat to those around them and damage the park inventory.